Mon@rch's Nature Blog has been added to the list. Several people contribute to the content. The primary author is Tom: He has 15 years of experience in the Environmental Education and Field Biologist field. He received his bird banding permit in 1998, became a certified bird bander by the North American Banding Council in the fall of 2003, is currently the crew leader for a Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (MAPS) station; Principal Investigator in looking at the changing butterfly fauna in Allegany State Park, NY and the status and ecology of the Northern Saw-whet Owl in Allegany State Park, NY.
Other authors are Pat Coate, volunteer, and several young naturalists.
Chilly Wonderland
The temperature here was 3 degrees this morning. Some of you registered
even colder! I had to cancel my doctor's appt. There was enough new snow I
10 hours ago